By Christian Life Frankston on Friday, 31 May 2019
Category: Daily Bread

Pharisee or Sinner?

"As many as touched Him were made whole." ....Mark 6:56

Recall the incident of the Pharisee and the publican at prayer in the temple. The Pharisee understood all about tithes and offerings, yet from him there was no cry from his heart to God; it was all in his mind so to speak. It was the publican who cried from his heart, "Lord have mercy upon me!" Something went out and touched God from that man, which met with an immediate response. The Lord Jesus singles him out as the one whom God reckoned righteous. For what is it to be reckoned righteous? It is to touch God in honesty and truth from your heart.

Today in the real Church as the body of Christ, a great weakness of our preaching of the gospel is that we try to make people understand mentally or intellectually the plan of salvation. All too often we see little or no result. Wherein have we failed? I am sure it is in this, that our hearers neither see Him nor touch Him. We have presented them with a method of salvation, which they may well understand but we have neglected to present them with the person of Jesus Himself! We point them only to their sins or to God's salvation, whereas their real need is to see and touch the risen and Glorified Saviour Jesus Christ Himself; to see Him and meet Him as He is today and to make contact with Him alone, one on one. He alone is the one who saves, delivers and makes us whole! No doctrine or theory has ever or will ever save anybody!